Financial Services Archives

How to Improve your Credit Score

How does it work? It is important to understand how your credit history works before you try to improve it. While it doesn't take a lot to get back on track, you have to know where to start. Your credit history is a record of how you have paid back loans, debt levels...

8 steps to Lower Your Electric Bill

If you've ever wondered how to cut down your electricity bill, here’s how in 8 painless steps. You’ll be on your way toward saving money and the environment in no time. Wash clothes in cold water. Almost 90 percent of energy consumed by washing machines is used when...

How to Budget your Money: 50/20/30 Rule

  Essential Expenses—are what you need to maintain the fundamentals of your life. No more than 50 percent of your take-home pay should go toward your essential expenses. These expenses fall under the categories below: housing transportation utilities groceries...

How Pineapple Can Reduce Healthcare Costs

A pineapple a day keeps the doctor away…and much more! Pineapples are not only delicious but they may be one of the most healthful foods available today.  Below are some intriguing and little known facts about this tropical fruit. Pineapple is valuable for easing...

How a Debt Default Could Affect YOU!

With only days left until the U.S. default deadline, a mix of angst and anger are setting in at home and abroad. While the world watches, Americans such as you, our readers, most want to know what to do to prepare and how this will all affect our lives in the short...

3 Ways to Save Big Bucks

Now that school bells are starting to ring again, parents are scrambling to find ways to save money on supplies, clothes, food, extracurricular activities, and car pooling. When all of these needs are to be bet simultaneously, it can be stressful and overwhelming so...

