How to Reduce Household Expenses

Jul 16, 2014 | financial independence, Financial Services, On a budget, Save Money

It really seems like we are in a never-ending vortex of “everything is expensive and I’m forced to buy it anyway” kind of world. I mean—who remembers when gas was nowhere near $4 a gallon? Everything was so much cheaper than it is now. With rent and mortgages skyrocketing far away into the galaxy—headed  straight toward a black hole destined to never return, believe it or not; there are ways to gut punch the system. Here are a few tips that will have you floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, with a TKO in sight. Kick up your feet and say, “TAKE THAT ECONOMY!”


How much TV are you watching if you work all day? I know, I know…it just feels better because it’s there. Question! Do your pockets feel better? If not, maybe you could find a better option. recommends calling your cable provider’s retention department and negotiating a deal if you’ve been a long-time customer. If that doesn’t work, go with another company that offers a good bundle package.

Verizon Fios – TV, Internet and Phone: $69.99/month

TV only: $49.99/month | 135+ channels 25+ in HD

Time Warner Cable – 20 premium channels plus HBO: $29.99/month

Cox Communications – 155 channels: $24.99/month

Since on-demand Internet streaming is the future of television, why not start early? Netflix and Hulu exclusively streamed shows like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards have not only been a hit with critics, but audiences too. Netflix and Hulu Plus subscription fees run for $7.99 a month, but beware-Netflix’s price will be a $1-$2 more for new subscribers. Amazon Prime for $99 a year is also an option.

Copyright: stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo


Coupons! Coupons! Coupons! Go on the store’s website and ask a store associate when things go on sale. Make sure you keep the essentials stocked in your pantry to prevent having to spend at the last minute. Don’t forget to go in the store knowing what you want to get. Everyone can relate to having money and spending it on things you want; not what you necessarily need.

Copyright: belchonock / 123RF Stock Photo

Cleaning supplies

While major stores like Wal-Mart, Target, and Safeway may have an awesome selection of cleaning supplies to choose from, there are other stores that offer some of the same brands for a much cheaper price. Dollar Tree! It’s the best store to get everything you need in bulk, if you choose, for a few bucks. What’s even more rewarding is walking out of the store without buyer’s remorse.

If you would much rather shop at your store of choice, search relentlessly for coupons. Target has a free app you can download where you select an offer, show the mobile barcode at the checkout counter, and be on your way. Isn’t that easy and cool?


It is so easy to waste water. Have you ever brushed your teeth and kept the water running? It may sound minuscule, but those moments add up and you will ultimately see it on your bill. Being cognizant of how you use water can decrease your electricity costs.

Copyright: 72soul / 123RF Stock Photo


Annnnnnnnd speaking of electricity…since we posted an entire blog on lowering your electric bill—we will shoot you a quick list of tips as follows:

  • Use energy-efficient bulbs
  • Wash clothes in cold water
  • Unplug all electronics
  • Program your thermostat | Purchase a programmable thermostat

For more tips, click here.

Copyright: warrengoldswain / 123RF Stock Photo

Home improvements and repairs

DIY is such a great way to save money. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars on a repair man, when you can do it yourself. If you need to get some “Know-How”, head over to Home Depot. They host FREE workshops that will equip you with the skills to tackle any project. They have workshops for kids too!

If the economy was a person, I think he’d be scared. Get ready to receive your championship belt, because the final blow has been served!


Minute Loan Center is always here for you when you need us. If something comes up and you need a fast loan to hold you over until your next paycheck, we have plenty of options that will meet your needs. Come to one of our stores today or give us a call (locations)!

